Call Center Balanced Scorecard Implementation

If you are concerned with your call center performance, then you will undoubtedly appreciate an idea of implementing the balanced scorecard system. How can your business benefit from it? You may find that out from this article.

Generally, successful implementation of call center BSC should result in efficient changes in its performance and management. It may help you bring your business to the brand new level, contributing to the quality of provided services. That is exactly why this system should be an indispensable part of your business, no matter how profitable it is at the moment. To make this process successful, the company’s personnel and managers should be aware of the aspects listed below.

Traditional BSC matrix

Traditional BSC matrix

First of all, there is no sense in developing this system until you define all your business objectives. Do not forget that a call center is like a bridge between the company’s management and the customers. The latter can get all the required product information and support from call center agents, who should be aware of the most frequent questions and problems associated with the company’s production or services. Therefore, it is extremely important to realize your goals and aspirations.

Why opt for call center BSC

Why opt for call center BSC

The next aspect that has to be considered is the necessity to make your employees aware of the general BSC concept. Your personnel should obligatory have at least the idea of what this system is and what mission it has. Otherwise, it will seem practically impossible to develop it. The most effective way to introduce it is to organize a conference and ask people who know a lot about this system to make an informative and comprehensible introduction. It is also useful to represent your strategic goals and summarize the obstacles that may prevent your company from reaching them. Furthermore, the help of BSC experts should not be underestimated, since it is they who have sufficient knowledge in this sphere.

Now, let us proceed to defining basic call center key performance indicators (KPIs), without which it is impossible to implement the BSC system effectively.  To start with, they should be understandable and clear for all employees, since it is the most effective way to improve them. Moreover, each indicator should have a connection with the goals defined by the company’s management. One should also decide in favor of qualitative indicators rather than quantitative ones. It means that if you have managed to handle a dozen of calls, for example, having satisfied the needs of five customers only, this will hardly be considered a great result. Always bear that in mind when thinking over the necessity to implement call center balanced scorecard.

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