Call center BSC: measures and cause and effect ties exposed

Very often top managers face serious problems with evaluation of business performance in their companies. As a rule, problems concern the wrong choice of measures to be evaluated. Even the best strategic plans may fail simply because top management gets the wrong information on how well the company is performing in terms of implementing strategic goals. It is very important to have correct and on-time information on progress or regress of strategic goals implementation. This also applies to call center BSC. This business unit is characterized by focus on customers. In fact, call centers and helpdesks are created to serve customers. Thus, they do not produce anything, consulting customers and generating sales instead. It is vital to use the right key performance indicators in performance evaluation, otherwise investments in BSC will come back with no benefits and profits.

Goals of a call center

Goals of a call center

Implementation of a call center BSC starts with strategy development. If a call center does not have independent strategy or strategic plans integrated into company strategy, such a call center will most likely cause serious losses. The point is that every decision made by call center managers must comply with strategic goals of a company. In other words, if number of handled calls needs to be increased, then this improvement should cause changes in other perspectives of BSC (as known, there are 4 BSC perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth).

The 3 initial stages of call center BSC implementation

The 3 initial stages of call center BSC implementation

What are the most typical KPIs in financial category of a call center BSC? Without any doubts, these are KPIs related to call expenses. For example, these are such key performance indicators as cost per call and revenue per call. The latter KPI refers to sales call centers that sell products and services in real time regime. Cost per call may include all expenses related to handling one call – salary for a call center operator, telecommunication costs, office maintenance costs etc.

Number of one and done calls is also very important. Customers do not want to waste much time to solve their problems that might have occurred due to faults of producer company or a service provider. This KPI directly influences such measure as % of customers that are satisfied with support service. The more customers are happy with support service the more chances that they will buy from the same company again.

In fact, all KPIs and BSC categories are interrelated, including in a call center BSC that can be implemented either independently or as a part of company strategic plan arrangements.

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