Call center metrics: how does it contribute to overall performance?

What is so special about modern call center business that makes it unbelievably popular these days? You may think over dozens of suitable answers to this question, but the only thing you should not forget about is that we live in the age of technological innovations, which requires the development of advanced communication tools and strategies. Due to this, call center consulting has become an indispensable part of everyday life of lots of people worldwide.

What to focus on in a call center BSC

What to focus on in a call center BSC

If you think that management of this business does not take much effort, you are seriously mistaken. Just like any other industry, it requires complete understanding of what is going on inside the company as well as the business owner’s ability to analyze the factors that may eventually contribute to the general improvement of call center performance. This task seems practically impossible if you have no idea of what indicators are typically applied in this kind of business. Therefore, if you wish to establish a profitable business, you will not go without understanding call center metrics and their importance.

Some typical helpdesk KPIs

Some typical helpdesk KPIs

Just like call center business differs from other industries, the metrics it uses differ from those applied by other businesses as well. Always keep that in mind. Thus, when it comes to call centers, the quality of outgoing and incoming calls proves to be one of the most significant metrics. Consequently, it would be ideal if you manage to employ only highly-qualified staff. Pay special attention to how knowledgeable and intelligent your employees are. And, of course, make sure they are properly trained to provide your clients with all the required product information they need.

The cost of each call is another metric that should be considered by these companies. Typically, outgoing calls are more expensive as compared to incoming ones. This is due to diverse phone rates that are applied in any particular situation.  For example, long-distance calling has never been cheap. Luckily, the variety of alternative communication options helps solve this problem effectively nowadays.

There is no doubt about the fact that employee and customer satisfaction is of paramount importance when it comes to the profitability of any kind of business. This concerns call centers as well. Consequently, you have to make sure your personnel is satisfied with operating conditions and money reward systems. If not, this may seriously affect the level of customer satisfaction.

Another significant BSC metrics is income. Its importance should never be underestimated, since it is inevitably connected with other industry components. So, try to make it as strong and regular as possible.

The number of call center metrics is not limited to those mentioned above. There are much more of them in this business and they all include lots of significant KPIs, such as abandoned and blocked calls, speed answer rate, duration and average value of each call, the amount of time required to handle it, its efficiency, and, of course, the overall company performance (the amount of sales that results from its calls). So, just make sure you consider all the required balanced scorecard metrics and your business will eventually bring you the desired profit.

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