How to effectively use BSC in call centers

Every respectable company that sells products or services either has own call center or uses services of other call centers and helpdesks. It is impossible to imagine post sale service without call center support. When people buy products/services or are about to buy them usually ask questions about these products. Sometimes certain problems occur and these problems have to be resolved. Post sale services contribute to customer loyalty to a particular brand even if the support is provided not by the producer company but by an individual call center. Let’s also not forget about sales call centers and call centers that process internet orders. Lots of people buy online these days, and thus, call centers have to efficiently work in order to process and confirm all orders.

Most popular call center KPIs

Most popular call center KPIs

Every call center is an inseparable element in successful functioning of a company. It is not enough just to enter the market with a new product. As already said above post sale service is important and thus excellent performance of a call center in a must. In order to improve performance it is necessary to set goals and measure current and potential performance. This is where Balanced Scorecard comes into play.

Call center evaluation chain

Call center evaluation chain

Call center BSC consists of the traditional 4 perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth. At that, it is impossible to say which category is the most important. As a rule, weights are set individually by top managers and those responsible for BSC implementation and maintenance. Moreover, all categories and indicators are interrelated. Thus, implementation of financial goals is impossible without implementation of relevant goals in the other categories.

The principle behind BSC is very simple. Key performance indicators are selected for the abovementioned 4 categories. Evaluation of KPI will offers top managers information that indicates efficiency of strategic goals implementation. For example, a call center wants to decrease cost per call, baseline and target are set. Then call center employees use new call handling methods and try to improve performance. In course of time, performance changes and relevant figures are indicated on a dashboard. These are signals to top managers who should make decisions on possible changes in operational management.

Besides, call center BSC can tell much about future developments. For example, customer satisfaction with call center and support service can offer valuable info on sales growth since satisfied customers are eager to buy from the same company again.

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