Pitfalls of call center BSC implementation

There are numerous pitfalls in implementation of Balanced Scorecard in various business units and industries. As a rule such mistakes are related to the fact that BSC is often perceived as some magic business toll that can solve all problems overnight. Thus, many managers and business owners think that as soon as the company builds a scorecard, harsh times are over. Well, this is a common myth. BSC is a tool. For example, a hammer can be useless in hands of a person who cannot do anything with his hands, while it becomes an effective tool when used by Jack of all trades. Implementation of BSC in individual business units and departments of a company conceals many underwater rocks. These days, optimization of call center performance has become a popular trend since having own customer support or sales call center is a must for most companies because of a touch competition. Customers do not only want to buy quality products but also receive quality post sale service and support. So, what are key pitfalls and mistakes in implementation of call center BSC?

Tasks of a call center

Tasks of a call center

  • As already said above, one of the most common mistakes is the wrong attitude to BSC. Call center managers just make a scorecard, select KPI and totally forget about this system. In order to make BSC effective, it is necessary to live with scorecard every day. BSC will never do manager’s job.
  • Choice of the wrong (secondary) indicators. Although these days it is possible to buy or download for free sets of key performance indicators for call centers, top managers should be very careful when using them. Every call center is individual and has unique problems. Choice of primary KPI is a must. For instance, cost per call or one and done calls rate are more important than employee sickness or lateness (although these KPIs also influence total performance)
  • Use of BSC by call center top management only. Ordinary call center operators and junior managers should also participate in discussion of BSC and suggest their own ideas of how to improve performance. Front like call center operators directly contact customers and they know real problems.
  • Expectance of fast results. Balanced Scorecard does not work in the short term. Much time is required to introduce the system to a call center, select the right metrics, set up reporting, information gathering and feedback information etc.
Major call center KPIs

Major call center KPIs

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