Call center and BSC interaction

Efficiency of a company call center greatly affects generated revenue, in not immediate then for sure in the long term. Indeed, post purchase service is extremely important if a company wants to retain customers and create a positive image in order to attract new ones. If you purchase a laptop and have some problems with it you can dial a call center number where qualified specialists will help you (sure we are not talking about some defects but rather about general questions related to the purchased product). If you received qualified support you will surely turn loyal to the producer and in future you are more likely to purchase the same brand product. This is how companies create a perfect business image and enlarge customer base.

What is an efficient call center?

What is an efficient call center?

That is why optimization of call center work and strategic planning in this area is very important, especially if the company is undergoing changes. Such changes may be cause by implementation of Balanced Scorecard system which proved to be one of the best strategic management tools ever.

At a first glance, call center functions are not numerous. Indeed, what do call center operators usually do? They answer customers’ calls. Such calls as a rule concern products that have been already purchased, i.e. the company has already made profits. That is why there are companies who do not invest in call center and consider them just a waste of money.

Major call center KPIs

Major call center KPIs

However, implementation of Balanced Scorecard in a call center will make it possible to reach certain strategic goals. Evaluation of a call center performance will make it possible to locate weak points in the work of a call center. Besides, implementation of Balanced Scorecard in a call center will enable ordinary employees better understand company strategy and their own role in implementation of strategic goals. If every call center operator is aware of how his performance affects company progress, he or she will have additional motivation to work better.

BSC implementation is a call center should definitely start with formation of a working group that will be in charge of strategy development and choice of key performance indicators. At that, it is very important that the group consists both of call center managers and external advisors with practical experience of BSC implementation.

As to call center KPIs, there are ready to use sets of call center key performance indicators. Of course, the choice depends on company strategy, current problems, long and short term goals etc.

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