Call center optimization: BSC as a major tool

Have you ever face a situation when you want to spend money by purchasing a product online, call a phone number and have an unpleasant conversation with a call center operator? Well, the operator was polite and showed utmost respect, but he or she failed to answer your questions. It often happens that before making an online purchase we want to learn as much as possible about the chosen product or service. Eventually, you hang up and look for another producer or service provider. Moreover, you form a negative judgment about a particular company.

Call center optimization increases company revenue

Call center optimization increases company revenue

The above hypothetic example vividly demonstrates how quality of call center service can scare potential customers off. Many business owners do not understand why they need improve quality of call centers and why they have to invest in call centers.

Competition in all markets is very high. Thus, if you do not like something about one company you may always contact another one. Produces fight for customers these days. For this reason, strategic planning in call center industry is very important. You do not only have to be polite but should be also able to provide potential or existing customers with complete answers to their questions.

Some of most popular call center KPIs

Some of most popular call center KPIs

Use of BSC is highly recommended for all companies that decided to develop long term strategies. The thing is that goals and measures for every department should comply with general strategy of a company. In other words, every decision should lead to implementation of strategic goals.

One of such long term goals is improvement of customer satisfaction. There can be various indicators signaling about problems or achievements in this area. For example, you may ask customers to rate their conversation with a call center operator, or use multiple KPIs for this purpose – number of problems solved, positive customer feedback etc.

Implementation of Balanced Scorecard in a call center should certainly start with identification of major problems and goal setting. Only having made all preparations and having formed a BSC working group, it is advisable to proceed to choice of key performance indicators.

Call center KPIs can vary from company to company. It depends on goals of a call center. For instance, if this is a sales call center, then such an indicator as sales attempts per customer would play a key role, while customer support services mainly focus on solving customers’ problems.

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